Welcome to NRG

Carbon Offsets

Find out the role Carbon Offsets can play in your strategy.

Discover a credible, customizable path toward carbon neutrality

Carbon Offsets can help reduce emissions and transition your business to sustainable energy practices. When you purchase Carbon Offsets, you’re contributing to reputable projects that compensate for or reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support renewable energy generation. This can position your business as a leader in environmental stewardship and heighten brand awareness with your customers. We offer Carbon Offsets in the U.S. and Canada and they’re the simplest way to advance toward a lower carbon future.

Discover the benefits

How it works

Carbon offsets are investments in projects that compensate for carbon dioxide emissions to combat climate change. They’re generated by activities such as planting trees or capturing methane and help the purchaser meet their emission reduction goals.

We work with a range of well-recognized carbon registries to ensure we deliver high quality offsets. You can control your spend by procuring Carbon Offsets for a portion or all of your load.

This could be a great fit if…

  • You have short term sustainability goals
  • You want a low commitment and cost-effective solution
  • You’re looking for an efficient path to decarbonization
NRG Carbon Offsets are certified by the Verified Carbon Standard Program (VCS) and Climate Action Reserve and meet the environmental standards outlined in each program.
  • Verified Carbon Standard

    VCS is the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas crediting program and drives finance toward projects that remove emissions.


    Learn more

  • Climate Action Reserve

    Climate Action Reserve ensures the environmental integrity and financial benefits of emission reduction projects.


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We offer a wide network of projects

With a decade of credibility and expertise in offering carbon offsets, you can trust us to only deliver legitimate, thorough vetted projects. You’ll have transparency and visibility throughout the process to be certain of where and how your carbon offsets are being sourced.

Renewable energy generation

Energy efficiency technologies

Agricultural practices

Reforestation initiatives

Renewable energy generation

Renewable energy generation projects include facilities adding clean energy to the grid by generating wind, solar, and hydroelectric energy.

Energy efficiency technologies

Sourced from facilities that upgrade their conventional systems to more energy-efficient operations, reducing their emissions.

Agricultural practices

Agricultural projects include initiatives where farmers take steps to reduce soil disturbance, rotate crops, and make other climate-friendly changes.

Reforestation initiatives

Plants new trees where there has been previous deforestation, reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere by adding plant life that will absorb it.

See what NRG can do for your business

Get started with Carbon Offsets.