Worker looking inside pipe

Powering forward on all levels


Reduce emissions with reliable energy to ensure product deliverables stay on track.


A generator retrofit coupled with seamless demand response participation.

RICE NESHAPcompliance rating

Around-the-clock power—and more

HOBAS Pipe enlisted NRG to achieve 24/7 energy stability for its manufacturing process. With our experts’ help, they also emerged a more environmentally responsible asset to the entire community.

Providing power around the clock

With US manufacturing facilities in Houston, TX, and several other plants around the globe, HOBAS Pipe has the distinction of being the world’s only producer of centrifugally cast fiberglass reinforced polymer mortar (CCFRPM) pipes. Across North America, municipalities rely on these long-lasting pipes for sewer and storm drain systems. 

Creating CCFRPM pipes takes around-the-clock power. Any interruption would mean significant financial losses for HOBAS and considerable delays in the production of materials. In 2005, HOBAS installed a new 2MW Caterpillar 3516 diesel backup generator to ensure consistent energy supply. Additionally, this new on-site generator allowed for demand response participation— until new regulations under the RICE NESHAP1 legislation deemed the generator out of compliance.

Wanting to become more environmentally responsible and regain DR eligibility, HOBAS sought an energy solution that could support its unique needs. And they found a dependable partner in NRG. 

  • ManufacturingINDUSTRY
  • 50+ yearsEXPERIENCE
  • 40,000+ miles of pipeWORLDWIDE OUTPUT
  • 2145 kW, 2878 HPGENERATOR

New rules, new solutions

In 2016, HOBAS enrolled in a 4CP DR program—but just months later, its generator became ineligible under the new RICE NESHAP regulations. Recognizing the many benefits of demand response and reduced emissions, HOBAS’ reliability manager John Killgore turned to NRG to bring its Tier II generator into compliance with RICE NESHAP standards. Our experts implemented a retrofit of the exhaust, intake component and CCV (Closed Crankcase Ventilation system) valve. The results? A RICE NESHAP compliance rating—and renewed eligibility for demand response. 


Newly compliant for DR

With its generator now eligible to run during emergencies and curtailment opportunities, HOBAS enrolled in two DR programs with us: 4CP and ERCOT ERS 30.

HOBAS can now smoothly transition from grid power to generator when:

  • The grid appears to be approaching a high level
  • We send notification about an event or an emergency
  • Weather events signal potential power outages

Preparing to switch to the generator requires planning, so everybody on the HOBAS team knows their responsibilities. And thanks to daily readiness drills as well as a reduction action plan (RAP) provided by us, the process is seamless and successful. 

1 RICE NESHAP is an acronym for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

Men standing on Hobas pipe from above
HOBAS wins with DR while also benefitting the environment and community

In October 2018, HOBAS participated in its first DR event since the retrofit completed. Over a 50-minute time period, it transferred 1,000 kW off the grid and onto its generator. As more DR events arise, HOBAS will continue to help stabilize energy for the grid, which is a benefit for the entire community. 

For Houston’s surrounding businesses and residents—as well as the environment—that’s a huge win.

Pipe running through forest above ground

Everybody wins

How DR can work—even for an “always on” business

HOBAS Pipe’s manufacturing processes depend heavily on continuous, reliable energy. Companies with similar operations may not think demand response is possible without sacrificing productivity. But as HOBAS has shown, with planning and readiness it can be done.

HOBAS’ maintenance manager, Mike Alford, keeps everything on track when transitioning between grid and generator. Preparing to switch to the generator requires the load to be brought down as low as possible before making the transfer. Everybody on the HOBAS team knows their roles, should a DR event arise. Production is uninterrupted, and the event is a success.

Men designing and manufacturing piece of pipe

Nothing is impossible

“By retrofitting the HOBAS Pipe generator, NRG provided a solution with far-reaching effects. Not only did HOBAS get back into earning revenue in the demand response program, but it also lowered its emissions and became a partner Houston can rely on for energy stability.”

John Frank

Account Manager, NRG Curtailment Specialist