A 680 MW success story


Transform an under-performing power plant into a high-performing one

$MMMillions of dollars saved in operating budget

Improve safety culture, enhance reliability, address technical issues

$0current operational budget deficit

Delivering an immediate impact

How our years of generation expertise transformed an Arkansas power plant

Opportunity to modernize

In the farmlands of eastern Arkansas sits Plum Point Energy Station — a power plant that encountered operational challenges after start-up and commissioning. The ingredients for success were in place, but subtle shifts in procedures and plant culture needed to take place in order for it to function to its full potential. In the years that followed, NRG stepped in to advance the plant in several key areas:

  • Safety culture
  • Operational efficiency
  • Reliability and out-of-service metrics
  • Osceola, ARLOCATION
  • 680 MW Single unitCAPACITY
  • Power for 650,000 homesIMPACT

Embracing the challenge, facilitating success

Our Energy Services team brings 20+ years of experience in managing our own generating facilities to serve as a third-party in helping others achieve substantial improvements in their operations. When Plum Point called, we went to work on an approach that would help them thrive today while still maintaining the ambitious sustainability goals of NRG.

Safety first

As our involvement at Plum Point took hold, our team identified an inconsistent safety culture that jeopardized the health and well-being of its employees. Our initial response was to establish a safety-first approach, one that required commitment from every employee and empowered them with stop-work authority if necessary. This, along with our commitment to the environment and compliance with regulations, is fundamental to plant operations and when done right leads to great performance across all other metrics as well.

  • 2–3 employees attend safety meetingsBEFORE
  • 20-person, fully engaged safety committeeAFTER
  • Top Safety Award 2018RECOGNITION

Establishing a one-plant mentality

Prior to our arrival, accountability was sparse throughout the facility, creating a culture that lacked motivation and a sense of ownership. By giving employees the permission and expectation to drive improvements within their specific job functions, the existing operation was transformed to one where accountability, proactiveness, and pride emerged, regardless of an individual’s position or job title.

20%Employees still at plant from 2010 opening

The impact of operating expertise

Our team also focused on the plant’s technical challenges. Previously, issues tended to be addressed with quick-fix, short-term solutions. We chose to look at the bigger picture, finding the root of a problem and solving for the underlying causes of issues. Ultimately, these improvements help the plant run more efficiently, bringing added reliability to the customers it serves. Specifics include:

  • Turbine overhaul – increased output by 10 MWn while maintaining same throttle pressure
  • Boiler improvements – replaced over 320 feet of slope tube and added an improved seal plate design for greater strength
  • BFP seal upgrade – improved performance, significantly reducing the potential for failure and unscheduled outages for repairs
  • Economizer inlet control valve replacement – enabled the unit to operate in boiler feed pump speed control at a far lower set-point than previously allowed
  • SCR catalyst design change – changed upper layer from honeycomb to plate catalyst, improving air flow and significantly reducing plugging
2018Plant of the Year

Measures of success

Ultimately, we used three key metrics to gauge our impact on Plum Point's operations:
  • Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (EFOR) – the amount of time the plant is out of service from an immediate failure in relation to the amount of time it is in service (improved from 18.03 to 7.45)
  • Equivalent Unplanned Outage Factor (EUOF) – the amount of time the plant is out of service from an immediate failure or short-notice maintenance in relation to the amount of time in the period being measured (improved from 17.86 to 8.76)
  • Equivalent Availability Factor (EAF) – the amount of time the plant is available to operate in relation to the amount of time in the period being measured (improved from 76.73 to 80.95)
“The shift in safety culture was an amazing thing to watch. It was 100% a product of NRG being here.”
  • Doug Pruitt, Engineering ManagerPlum Point Generation Station

“What really sets us apart at Energy Services is that we address problems. That’s our reputation and it’s why we were approached to get involved at Plum Point.”

Charles GressBusiness Development Director, NRG Energy Services

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