How is the Internet of Things is Transforming the Energy Industry

By NRG Editorial Voices
Last Updated: Nov 8, 2023 • 5 min read

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As the cost of sensors, devices, edge networks, machine learning, and analytics decreases, the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) is creating a new industrial paradigm that impacts every industry, energy included. Energy has been evolving in terms of generation and distribution, and the IoT stands to be the most transformational aspect of this brave new world. Here’s how we expect it to affect corporate energy users in the next decade.

Creating impact with actionable insights

Access to actionable insights is what drives the greatest impact. While big data provides masses of information, the ability to understand that data is key. Digitization, smart meters and cheap sensors, combined with the sharing and analysis of data, mean instant awareness of waste—and how to avoid it. These insights enable real-time energy management, which leads to cost-cutting, improvements in performance, and maximizing operations, like field service teams and transport. With data and smart analysis, clients can determine potential cost savings and dig into energy efficiencies that may have gone unnoticed.

Optimizing gains through demand response programs

Another way IoT affects energy users is through demand response (DR) programs that use smart switches to power down high-energy consumption in factories during periods of peak demand. It supports the implementation of storage on-site, and even on-site power generation, to optimize business activity. By providing access to power savings, storage, and generation, companies can access a new revenue source while optimizing their operations.

At NRG, we’re helping lead the way forward for demand response programs and have already partnered with over 6,500 facilities (of all types and sizes) to determine and implement the right demand response plan for their specific business needs—some business types are more suited to demand response than others. We understand energy in general and each customer’s energy usage specifically. We take that understanding and use it to help them execute and benefit from the daily operation of a DR program.

Increasing the level of transparency

One of the likely challenges is an increasing public expectation of transparency for energy usage and sources, as well as emissions profile. Our Active Management Platform (AMP) not only provides an intuitive management platform but includes the provision of all the metering equipment needed for demand response.

Our system allows you to predict your monthly costs, so you’ll never be surprised when your bill arrives. Not only that, but the AMP can decrease the risk of power failures and electrical surges during hours of high demand by predicting system peaks and enabling our customers to seize curtailment opportunities at those times. The dashboard allows customers to track energy usage in real time which enables cost control and helps reduce environmental impact, tracking energy patterns and detecting anomalies.

For some operators this may not be considered a major concern today, but it’s important to keep in mind the global nature of today’s supply chains. It is not simply a question of whether heavy emissions could negatively affect a company’s reputation—we know it’s going to be a concern for both regulatory agencies and end consumers. As data on such information becomes more accessible, it seems likely that any company within a global supply chain is at risk of demand for reductions from their end client. This will be important for companies operating within Europe or China, but many U.S. companies have also requested action on emissions from their suppliers, including General Mills and Coca-Cola and, at least initially, that means the provision of data.

Transformation the energy markets

IoT connectivity can provide a real-time view of energy as it is generated and consumed, not just at a corporate level but at a utility and soon, perhaps, a grid level. If a smart grid is deployed and generators link to it, the need for large-scale, centralized generators diminishes. That means there will be a fundamental transformation in the way energy will be generated, distributed, consumed, and stored.

We expect to see increasing energy efficiency and management, greater demand for virtual power plants, load shifting and using storage to consume high levels of renewables at times of peak production and the integration of wind and solar into buildings to maximize returns. Our Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) is a solution with “layers” of communication management, between markets and sites, and between sites and devices/load. The system itself is hardware agnostic, cloud-based, and secure. It provides a centralized fleet management system with the ability to scale for the management of over 10,000 distributed resources. Best of all, it connects distributed assets with access to physical energy markets.

Tackling emissions in supply chains

One hurdle for such a transition in the energy markets has always been the ability to trade securely. With blockchain-enabled platforms now facilitating peer-to-peer trading for the individual at scale, that hurdle may be out of the way. While this scenario isn’t yet mainstream, it’s being explored across the financial and trading sectors. Regardless of whether the technology/ new blockchain architectures are embraced by the mainstream, corporate clients stand to benefit from secure, decentralized ledgers.

As more devices connect, companies will face increased fragmentation, interoperability, and security challenges but opportunities are available for real-time energy analysis, trade, and infrastructure management. Done right, the IoT will improve security, reliability, efficiency, and investment in this arena. We’re confident that data informing power consumption, demand, and production at the facility-level will ensure none of us get left in the dark in the new age of energy.

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