Investing in our planet, together

NRG Volunteers

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Every April 22nd, more than a billion people come together to celebrate Earth Day. This year’s theme, “Invest in Our Planet,” reflects our sustainability framework of reimagining energy to pursue a more resilient future.

Through positiveNRG, our corporate philanthropy initiative, we focus our efforts on where we can have a meaningful impact. Our people make this commitment a reality through community-based acts, both big and small, with the goal of making our planet a healthier place to live.

Dedicating time to restoring nature 

April is not only Earth Month, it’s also Global Volunteer Month

Throughout the month, there were over 20 different opportunities for employees to get involved virtually or in person. NRG teams tidied trails, removed invasive plants, and planted garden beds and trees to restore habitats at locations across 14 cities in the U.S. and Canada. 

“Our team took time away from our day jobs to pick up shovels and get our hands dirty. These volunteer events are important because we want to support a sustainable lifestyle and embrace NRG’s goal of being good stewards of our community,” said Bill Evans, VP, Business Operations. 

In addition to in-person volunteer events, students from the Student Conservation Association taught employees about tree planting and shared sustainable recipes during two fun virtual sessions.

Supporting local food systems

April 1st kicked off the relaunch of the NRG Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Founded in the U.S. in 1986, a CSA program is a partnership between consumers and local farmers that provides a share of the harvest to subscribers. To encourage shopping local and healthy eating, the NRG CSA program offers full-time employees an annual reimbursement for purchasing a “share” of a farm’s harvest within 100 miles of the office or their homes.

“There are different types of farm shares for produce, cheese, and meat. It’s really meant to support your local community and your local farmers and reduce the carbon footprint of shopping at a store,” explained Scott Gillenwater, Manager, positiveNRG.

In addition to community support and personal health benefits, produce grown and meat raised locally, reduces environmental impacts by using fewer resources and transportation miles. This balance of economic, social and environmental benefits positively reflects NRG’s vision to create a sustainable energy future.

A bountiful community partnership

Providing access to fresh, healthy, and local food extends beyond our employees. This year marked the official opening of the NRG Dewey Prairie Garden. These 10 acres of reclaimed land in Jewett, TX, will supplement food pantries and provide fresh produce to an estimated 3,000 people every year in a known food desert. 

The community garden will not only help alleviate food insecurity but also provide conservation education and healthy fruits, vegetables, and herbs. By working with sustainability-focused partners like TexanbyNature, we are investing in our planet and providing healthy food in the places where we operate. 

Earth month and beyond

Learn more about how NRG is building greener, more resilient communities year-round.

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